A Future Vintage Storyteller Garment 


Submitted by Dani Des Roches of Picnicwear

This is the story of my mother's Friendship Jacket, in her words:

“In 1975 I was finishing my degree in Ottawa and preparing to move out west to Vancouver. I wanted to take something with me to remember my friends by, so I decided to make a friendship jacket out of pieces of denim from each of them. I lined my patchwork jean jacket with a red brocade Chinese robe that I had thrifted. I wore that jacket all through the rest of the 70’s. Fast forward to 2016 and I was having a conversation with a friend about a piece of clothing that meant a lot to me and “the” jean jacket came up. When I told her that Dani lusted after it she laughed and said "what are you going to do, wait until you die before she gets it?”.

The next day I packaged it and mailed it off to her in New York as a surprise. Now I get to enjoy it all over again when she sends me pictures of her wearing it.”

-Katie O’Brien (Dani’s Mom)


Future vintage is a term my husband and I have been using for a while now. In a world where there is so much future garbage being produced - disposable clothing that is not meant to last more than a handful of wears - it's hard to imagine a future beyond 5 years where clothing from 2021 would even make it to. Imagine yourself in a thrift store 10 years from now - what is it even filled with? Today's brands are making things that don't intend to stand the test of time (though ironically, many will stay in landfills for decades... or centuries... without breaking down). Buy it now, get a couple of wears out of it, and trash it when it wears out or you're ready for the next thing. The notion of future vintage is a concept that's - in reality - a harkening to the past when people only had a handful of items in their closet that they would wear time and time again. When I think of future vintage, I not only think of the items that will stand the test of time in terms of their quality, but items that tell a story. I can't think of a better storyteller garment than the most special hand-me-down I ever received from my mother.

-Dani Des Roches (creator of Picnicwear and daughter of Katie O’Brien)


WOW Dani! The jacket and the story take our breath away. Pieces like these are infinitely more special and valuable than any fast fashion or designer item -- they are priceless. #FutureVintage over #FutureGarbage, let’s take back control of our style narrative. We all have an exceptional garment in our closet that tugs at our heartstrings and loves our bodies; let’s celebrate them and wear them often in good health.

Show us your repeat outfits full of multi-generational magic. Tell us the stories of your future vintage. Let’s redefine what ‘Outfit of the Day’ looks like HERE.


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